New Book

New book

Fashionable white-embroidered accessories: c. 1840 to 1900

Published by HEATHER TOOMER ANTIQUE LACE: ISBN 978-0-9542730-40


In this sequel to our works on 18th- and early 19th-century fashions, the story of whiteworked costume accessories is continued to the end of the 19th century. Throughout this period white fabrics provided a finishing touch to women's necklines and wrists and, as textile prices fell with industrialisation, were worn by a wider population. A proliferation of fashion magazines also encouraged interest in the rapidly changing fashion world and, although many could afford only decorative machine products, wealthier customers still supported the luxury hand industries.

White collars, cuffs, chemisettes and newly devised undersleeves that filled the openings of wide bodice sleeves were the main focus of embroidery. The fine, raised whitework of earlier decades continued in a slightly altered form and was joined by new embroideries, particularly broderie anglaise and guipure cutworks. The many changes in the accessories themselves, their relationship with the underlying dress, and the varying embroidery styles are followed in numerous contemporary fashion plates, embroidery patterns, photographs of original articles and scaled patterns.

This book will be of interest to anyone concerned with cataloguing a costume or embroidery collection, embroiderers and designers requiring detailed information for accurate reproductions or seeking inspiration for new works, costume and social historians, and anyone with a love of fine craftsmanship.

192 pages with over 350 colour and b & w illustrations including photographs of original whiteworked costume accessories; fashion plates showing how they were worn; close-ups of their embroidery and over 30 accurate patterns to facilitate reproduction of many examples.

 Prices including postage: 

£19.95 within the U.K.; £26.50 to Europe; £30.50 to the U.S.A. and Canada, £31.00 to Austalia. Please email me on to ask for cost of postage elsewhere or combined charges for several books.


Latest comments

15.07 | 16:44

Dear Susan Marilyn, I expect my friends in York have mentioned me to you. I will email through the Society as there's no room on this email.

15.07 | 11:12

Dear Heather - As Secretary of the Northern Society of Costume & Textiles, we are wondering where you live and whether we could book you to come and talk to us?

16.03 | 08:54

Hi Debbie, The 3 whitework books) will cost £84 including postage to U.S.A. Please send payment to me - the site does not give me your email. Thanks, Heather

15.03 | 22:02

I sent email already with my paypal, but am interested in all but the baby book. Can you smail back cost of all with posyage to US in that return email. I didnt